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Friday, May 7, 2010

Help, Our shower still is leaking. I replaced the washers, rings on boths taps and even grinded the seats and still drips.At wits end. Gary -Northgate

I feel your pain Gary. Majority of the time a reseat, o'ring and washer change will solve a leaking tap problem. After a reseat there should be no blemishes on the brass and it should look shiny and clean.

After a reseat you also need to make sure that there are no brass filings left in the tap body, any filings caught under the jumper valve "tap washer" will allow water to pass.The tap body always should be flushed with water before re-installing the spindle and jumper valve. An old plastic drink bottle with a pull up nozzle sprayed into the tap body will normally clear the debris left after a reseat.

Worse case scenario is a fine crack in the brass seat, this will allow water to pass and cannot be solved with a reseat or jumper valve replacement , a breecher replacement is the only method of repair if this is the issue.

If in doubt give us a call and we can have this fixed for you in about half an hour.

- Ken

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